Great popularity between kids and adults has exercise: Gummy bears
1. Kids stand in circle
2. The one whose is turn, close eyes and get gummy bear in hands.
3. He/she can smell it and taste it.
4. If he/she guesses right the color, gets one more.
Exercise’s benefits:
Focus of attention on detail (taste, smell) and concentration produces processes in brain, which are calming down emotional reaction. Kids are in addition focused on justice (nobody is cheating).
Positive feedback
Science researches show that animals are learning much faster being praised than being punished. The most effective way of leading people, in order to deepen their self-reflection and ability to learn quickly and with interest from mistakes, is positive feedback. Discover with people their strengths and train them step by step, from the place where they feel reinforced, to head towards the goal. This process is more time consuming, however long term benefits in people’s motivation are multiple.
Development process 1. What are you good at? In what do you have positive experience? (Eventually: what do you want to focus on during the process?) 2. What went well? What was good? 3. What have you learned during process, for next time?