Can you imagine how much money your company
loses due to ineffective communication, fights behind-the-stage and daily
conflicts? Can you imagine know how much love and joy you lose in your
relationships? Do you know that emotionally severe situations in fact do not
have to be exhausting if we are able to use this emotional energy as a source
of power, stability and effective leadership? Emotions can be a source of
motivation, and an essence of interest to create and take your own
responsibility, it is a secret of charisma and vitality, it causes to live your
life successfully and meaningfully.
Emotionsas a source ofenergyand success
An overview of the principles of functioning of emotions.
Knowledge of the possibility of self-leading
and also
how to lead others through the emotions. Usage in education, relationships, as well as in a client or
a customer motivation. Effective management
of conflict situations.
Cornerstones ofEmotional
The importance of emotional
intelligence for success
in life
Practical ways to improve emotional intelligence, training
Emotions, their origins and the ways of coping them and
to use them in daily life
The neurobiology of the
brain and the two resulting basic
ways to cope with emotions
The origin of anger, resentment and aggression
Types of passive aggression and its impact on life
Instincts - needs
– behavior
Hidden links between
basic human's instinctive facilities
and external manifestations of man’s behavior
The roots of conflict, quick orientation in causes of conflict and the conflict management
Principles of making motivation and creative environment
Personality development
3 sources of information that shape our lives
5 basic developmental needs - the significance their repletion for the self –success and self-worth
A story of the unfulfilled need – healing of our old
An effect of a trauma to the life story - the
body as a remedy
An Interconnection of polarities (left and right hemisphere,
male and female, light and shadow ...)
The journey to responsibility and personal-maturity
Uncovering the causes of manipulation strategies
The principle of responsibility. How to lead others from
manipulation to responsible and mature communication.
Making agreements and setting limits
Interconnection between emotional intelligence and
Ways to cope emotional intelligence for children
What happens in
the brain of a teenager – a message
for parents
Emotions as a bridge between generations
Interconnection between working with the body and focusing of the mind
Via Negativy and Via
Positivy - Daily Spirituality
There are innovate methods in
adult education used in this course. It is based on theoretical knowledge, emotional
intelligence, brain development, psychology and etc. The main focus is laid on
practical experience of each participant. You go through different exercises to
gain your own experience with 3 centres of intelligence and then build on that
gained experience trough reflecting not only with group of members but also
through individual work.
In this way, you, yourself, go
through an experience of learning on different levels of your intelligence and
find the way how to bring this knowledge to your daily life.