Zsuzsi Egry is a
certified Hand in Hand instructor, living in Hungary. She graduated with an MA
in English and travelled, volunteered and lived in Swaziland, France, the USA
and Ireland before becoming a mother of three young children, presently 8, 6,
and nearly 2 years old. Her own challenging and difficult experiences that she
has encountered since the birth of her children led her to find the Parenting
by Connection approach, which she now gladly shares with others, so that they
too can transform their family experience from struggle and survival to a lot
more fun and deep satisfaction.
No More Fighting! Helping siblings to get along Free Teleseminar for parents and professionals in education by Zsuzsanna Egry, certified Parenting by Connection instructor 10th of February, Tuesday, 8 pm (CET time) (7 pm for UK) „We love them so much! – so why can’t they get along with each other?!” – parents of siblings often think in despair, when their kids are teasing or hurting each other. It is really exhusting to always stand on guard, deliver justice, negotiate and problemsolve with them all the time: make efforts which often fail anyway. Some swear the solution is to only intervene when „there is blood”, others rather double their efforts to organise separate actvities for kids, so peace resides at their homes. We often feel utterly helpless. However, we do have the key to the solution! Our children do love each other and deeply care for each other, and we can do a lot for this love and care to appear in their behaviour towards each other. In this free teleseminar, we will share ideas about how to defuse the hard feelings that lead siblings to have a hard time with each other. We will also look at strategies to be used in „hot” situations – strategies that will help not only then-and-there, but will help them to better get along on the long run. This is a free call offered by Szelid Szavakkal Alapitvany, Hungarian partner organisation in the “Soft Skills – Empowered Parents” Grundtvig Learning Partnership project, funded by the European Commission’s Lifelong learning programme. For more information, contact: [email protected] |